Starting on December 4, 2023, you will be able to see all of your Synergy FCU accounts linked together under one easy-to-use online banking login. No more logging into separate sign ons to see your various accounts.
You will only be able to see the accounts that you are on. For example, if you have a primary account that is just you, plus a joint account that is your child and you, you will be able to see both accounts under your primary account login. If logging into the child's account, he or she will only be able to see their own account, not your primary, because they are not on it.
If you do NOT want this feature, meaning you do not want to see all of your accounts under one login, you need to call or email the Member Service team so they can unlink the accounts inside online banking.
We are continuing to make improvements to the new online banking platform, and we'll keep updating you as new features roll out.
To unlink your joint account or for help with anything else,