Bauer Financial
Bauer Financial has given a 5-Star raiting to Synergy FCU for 54 consecutive quarters. That is 13.5 years! The 5-star rating is the Superior and top raking position for the credit union to be in.
In addition to the capital ratio, other criteria are used to determine the BauerFinancial™ Star-Rating. Some of these include but are not limited to: profitability/loss trend, evaluating the level of delinquent loans, charge offs and repossessed assets, the market versus book value of the investment portfolio, regulatory supervisory agreements, the community reinvestment rating (CRA), historical data and liquidity.
Find all of the Bauer Financial ratings here.
S&P Global
Synergy Federal Credit Union was ranked #26 in S&P Global Market Intelligence's 2022 Top 100 Credit Unions. With over 5,000 credit unions, we couldn't have achieved this ranking without the hard work, dedication, and compassion of our staff and board members.
Our loyal members are why we strive for greatness, and we're excited to continue our mission of providing you with the best service, and thank you for your unwavering support.
If you'd like to learn more about the criteria for the ranking process, click here.

Synergy FCU has earned a Top 100 designation from BankDash. We are proud and honored to recieve such a designation and greatly appreciate our members for their support. We look forward to continuing to serve our members while striving for excellence in all that we do.
If you'd like to learn more about the criteria for the ranking process, click here.